Flight 93 Memorial Chapel
The Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam Director /CEO
1502 Stutzmantown Rd
Friedens, PA 15541
Mail Address:
P.O. Box 142
Shanksville, PA 15560
Chapel Office:

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570-718-8761 / 570 875 8387

Dear Family and friends:
Flight 93 Memorial Chapel is a spiritual memorial and perpetual tribute in honor of the Heroes of   Flight 93, and all others who perished September 11, 2001.  Our founder is Reverend Alphonse T. Mascherino, an ordained Catholic priest for thirty Four years. The Chapel is owned by the Catholic Church of the East was handed down by Father Alphonse T. Masherino in January 26, 2013.
The Chapel serves as a spiritual refuge and place of meditation and prayer.
The Chapel is open to people of all faiths and is available for individual faith groups to worship together under the direction of their respective religious leaders. 
Masses only celebrated by our Archbishop on a special days and will be conducted on a regular basis to honor the Heroes who have fallen, to pray for our Nation, our President, public officials and religious leaders. 
The theme of the Chapel is One Nation Under God.  Appropriate ceremonies on national holidays will celebrate the religious diversity of America and the unity of the American people.    
The Chapel will present multi-media programs to the public celebrating the Memory of the Heroes of   Flight 93, The Spirit of America, and the theme of One Nation Under God. 
A program of lectures and addresses by professionals in the fields of Religion, Education, Psychology and Public Service will be presented.
Chorales, and Concerts by performing groups and visiting Church choirs centered on the theme of the American Spirit, with audience participation are planned in the Chapel and on the Chapel grounds.
The church building was first dedicated in 1901, and is recognized to be one hundred years old. The church was used for services for seventy years. In recent years the building served as a seed warehouse of the Servos Seed Corporation.  The building was purchased privately from the Kurt Servos Family in January, 2002 and owned by Father Alphonse Masherino Founder and in January 26, 2013 was handed down to the Catholic Church of the East. 
We kindly ask all our supporters to remember our Chapel in your daily prayers and your generosity will help us operate the Chapel.  The Chapel is funded by people like you! Become a chapel partner today! It is my hope that you can plan your
trip to come and visit with us or you may call us to schedule
your visit. Hope to see you soon.
                     Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam CEO / Director
All donations can be sent to the care off: 
Flight 93 Memorial Chapel
C/O:The Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam Director  
P.O. Box 142 
Shanksville, PA 15560 
Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam CEO / Director & Group and Tour Manager
Wayne Thomas Secretary to the Bishop  
Sharon Logsdon - Volunteers Department Assistant
Connie Hay Chapel Tour Guide Assistant
Annie Snyder - Chapel Music Director
Alice Macload - Chapel Pianist   
John Hamilton Sr. - Brother for Flight 93
Busses, Groups and Tours
Bishop Ramzi R. Musallam CEO - Director / Manager
or Contact us at
Bus Reservation Fee: $5.00 Donation each person
Bus Reservations: All tour groups are advised to call the Chapel 24 hours to let the Chapel office know of your cancellations.  Buses that do not call a fee will be charged
of $50.00 per bus.

*We kindly ask all buses to call our Office to confirm your visit for 2016 Bus Tours to the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel and United Airline Crew Monument.

 Please be advised:
Chapel is operated by Donations of Supporters like you!
Winter Hours
Monday -Thursday10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Friday - Saturday 11a.m. -4:p.m.
Sunday Noon till 5:00p.m. 
Spring & Summer Hours We Are Open 
Monday - Sunday 10:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Grounds are open all day.
Schools , Busses and Tourist are always welcome!
Call to reserve your date!
Saturday Catholic Mass at 5:00p.m
On the 11 day of every Month Mass will celebrated at 10:04a.m. (the hour of the crash took place in Shanksville PA)
The Names of the Heroes will be read and we remember the
families of Flight 93 and all who perished on September 11,
Donations can be sent to Flight 93 Memorial Chapel P.O. Box 142 Friedens, PA 15541 or you can donate by calling 570-875-8373 by Visa, Masters, Discover or American Express.
January, 2017
January 11, 2014 Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Musallam at the Chapel in memory of all the heroes and there  family members.
February 15, 2017 at 1:00p.m. Third Year Anniversary Mass of Father Alphonse Mascherino at Flight 93 Memorial Chapel with principal celebrant the Most Rev. Ramzi R. Musallam Archbishop of the Catholic Church of the East.  We ask all friends to attend and remember Father Al for all the work he did to find the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.
March 22, 2017 Founders Day - Mass at 11:00a.m.
and Chapel will be open all day for tourist.

June 14, 2017Flag Day Memorial Service will be celebrated at 4:15p.m.
August 31, 2017 Annual Flag Ceremony Thunder on the Mountain at 2:00p.m. by Somerset Scotts and Bikers.   Bikers are to be at the Chapel
at 1:30p.m.
September 11, 2001  16th Year Anniversary 
10:03 Ringing of the Bell the time the plan crashed 
11:00a.m. Receiving of the Archbishop to the Chapel 
11:30a.m.   Prayers placing Wreath on the United Airline Crew Monument. 
12:00p.m. Divine Liturgy at the Chapel and the Signing of the North Star Kids. 
1:00p.m. North Star Kids of Pittsburgh to preform 

Official Members of the United Airlines 
Official Members of the Cause Foundation 
Members of the Clipped Wings of the UAL 
Archdiocesan Clergy

Archbishop Awards 

If you wish to be included in our program you may call our office at 570-718-8761.

Chapel Bulletin News:
Donate a Tree: Donate a Tree in Memory of a Hero of Flight 93. Trees are a donation of 150.00 Each.  Ceremony of Blessing of Trees will take place on September 11, 2016 at 2:00p.m.

Become a Volunteer Today by calling our office at
Donations: are needed to maintain the Chapel on a
monthly basis please remember us.
Chapel Food bank: Our Chapel will be collecting food items to help our area community who are in need. Donations can be send to the chapel.
Become a supporter and a member:  Those who wish to be a member of the Chapel will receive a 2016 Chapel Calendar and a welcome letter signed by the Archbishop.
Eleventh Day of Every Month: Mass is said at Flight 93 Memorial Chapel for the Heroes and Families of Flight 93 Heroes. We kindly ask family members to contact us for Birth dates or special Anniversary of our Heroes so that we can offer Mass on that day. Mass is said at the Chapel by the Archbishop on the 11 day of each month.  
Become on our Prayers List: You may write to us with
your prayer concern or for your special intentions and your prayers will be place on the Altar of Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.
Masses to be Offered: We kindly ask any one who wish to offer a Mass for a loved one, special day, anniversary, or in thanksgiving you may send us your request in advance. 
Busses, Groups and Tourist: you may contact Bishop Ramzi Musallam for further information and scheduling 570-875-8387.

Restaurants affiliated with our Flight 93 Chapel
Kings Family Restaurant 
1180 North Center Ave
Somerset, PA 15501
All Buses and tours Call Dotti for Reservation
Ask our Office for special Coupons when making a bus tour
to the Chapel.
Hoss's Steak & Sea House
1222 N. Center Ave.
Somerset, PA 15501
Quality Inn & Conference
215 Ramada Rd  
Somerset, PA 15501
Holiday Inn
132 Lewis Dr.
Somerset, PA 15501
Call Quality or Holiday Inn and tell them you are a friend of Flight 93 Memorial Chapel to receive your special Rate!
 Our Chapel is affiliated with the following organizations:  
Brothers of Flight 93
Laurel Highlands Visitor Bureau
Somerset Chamber of Commerce 
North Star Kids Choir 
Catholic Church of the East
       Prayer for the Heroes
Merciful Father into your hands we commit the souls of
the faithful departed to you as our loving God.
Grant unto them Mercy and perpetual
light to shine upon them.
Thunder on the Mountain
A voice came so clear
Here on our hills
they rest gently without any fear.
They spoke to us
as they hallowed on our mountain
No words can be said nor pain can be reviled
Now they are at peace
with our prince of Peace.
 by Archbishop Ramzi R. Musallam

1502 Stutzmantown Rd
Friedens, PA 15541
Please be advised that no other website is affiliated with Flight 93 Memorial Chapel Shanksville, Pennsylvania. All questions and concerns can be addressed to the Archbishop CEO and
Director of the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.  
Flight 93 Memorial Chapel Slide Show
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